Z–Anti-Racism at Future

Our Commitment to Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Future Public School

At Future Public School, we seek to build a community in which all voices and contributions are valued and there is shared access to resources and opportunities – this is only achieved with an explicit stance and strategy towards diversity, equity and inclusiveness. Our foundational belief is that every individual in our community brings unique perspective, experiences, and talent; we clearly name Equity and Justice within our mission and core values. In pursuit of creating this community, we ascribe to several principles of the National Equity Project:

We hold an equity imperative.
We articulate clear, ambitious goals, while also acknowledging the reality and roots of structural inequity. We understand the shared fate of all people and communities, and commit to target strategies and resources so that students furthest from opportunity can reach their goals – no matter how wide the current gaps.

We foster a culture of inquiry and innovation
We are a community in which all stakeholders manifest a spirit of curiosity and questioning, rooted in a growth mindset. We encourage our community to take risks, explore ideas, experiment, and innovate. Diversity of voice and perspective make our community stronger.

We believe in learning partnerships.
These partnerships permeate our community as we strive to establish trusting relationships, knowing that these relationships will accelerate the learning for both adults and children. Learning is personalized in the service of shifting power dynamics and building alliance toward mutually agreed upon goals. We embody a shift from “I” to “We” and believe that true inclusion is reached through collective wisdom.

We achieve equity through instruction and do so by applying a lens of instructional improvement and data to inform all decisions.
A compelling, shared vision of rigorous pedagogy shapes this lens. Our use of Teaching Tolerance’s Social Justice Domains of Identity, Diversity, Justice, and Action, are not separate or additional to our core curricula, they are the foundation.

We believe in reconciliation and peacemaking as an antidote to oppressive discipline practices, unhealthy team cultures, and broken communities. We view restorative justice practices as our pathway to a more whole and healthy school community.

Developing Engineers



Phone: 208-854-3923
Fax: 208-854-3938
Address: 511 E 43rd Street, Garden City, ID 83714