
All bus questions and concerns should be communicated to Brown Bus.

(208) 466-4181

Bus Transportation

Future Public School offers bus transportation through Brown Bus. Students must be registered with Brown Bus Company as a bus rider before they will be permitted to ride the bus. Space on the buses is limited and students who live within the primary attendance area.

How to Request Bus Transportation

If you need your engineer to ride the bus please complete the following five steps:

  1. check the bus territory by inputting your address into the Bus Boundary.
  2. review the current bus stops to see if you are within the route and your closest route,
  3. complete a form for each engineer and send to the Front Office at,
  4. Brown Bus will call to confirm the bus stop, which bus, and when your engineer can begin riding the bus (if you do not hear from them within one week, please call Brown Bus),
  5. inform the office which bus your engineer will be riding and when your engineer will begin riding the bus and what their bus schedule will be.

Frequently Asked Questions

How soon can my engineer start riding the bus? If you submit forms with annual registration over the summer, your engineer can start the first day of school. If you are requesting the first few weeks of school, it may take 2-3 weeks for your engineer to start riding. After the first few weeks of school it takes about 3-5 days to process paper work and then your engineer can begin riding.

If we moved and updated our address, who do we inform? You will need to reach out to the Front Office and submit a new bus form.

If my engineer will not be riding the bus today, who do we inform? Please make sure your engineer knows how they are getting home each day. Inform the Front Office and the teacher as soon as possible. Any changes made after 2:45 PM the day of are not guaranteed to be processed.

Developing Engineers



Phone: 208-854-3923
Fax: 208-854-3938
Address: 511 E 43rd Street, Garden City, ID 83714